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Why You Shouldn’t Bully People by Kaizly L.

Updated: May 14

When you bully kids, they can feel sad, and sometimes they want to kill themselves. Kids have a hard time standing up for themselves. Kids can fail school or drop out because they get bullied. Some kids have hard times and just one mean thing can make something bad happen to them. 

People can bully because they could have something going on at home. When kids have bad/hard times at home and at school, they don’t know who to take it out on, so some can start to bully people. Kids with good strength can hit hard, so then if you do bully they could go home bruised, hurt, broken, or they could die. I remember someone telling me that these kids were bullying to mean and they killed a kid. I was so sorry for the kid who died, It wasn’t a good day after that. Bullying is bad!!!!

How can you stop bullying? The person who is being bullied could sometimes try and ignore it. You could also tell the bully to stop being mean and start being nice. Sometimes tell an adult. If you can, stay away from the bully.

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