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What It’s Like To Be A Sibling by Abby M.

Some people may ask what it is like to be a sibling. Being a sibling can sometimes be very hard, to be a sibling and sometime it can be very easy to be a sibling. One thing that can be easy is going to bed without them screaming, but sometimes it can be hard if you share a room with a younger sibling. One thing that can be hard is babysitting them cause sometimes they won't listen to you at all cause they think that you are not in charge of them.

What I found out from my friends is that they think it is hard for them to be able to babysit their siblings. One thing I found out is sharing a room with your older siblings cause they don't go to bed for a long time and they keep you up for a while. I found this out cause when I had to share a room with all of my older sisters, it was very hard to go to bed and they always were on their phones when you were trying to go to sleep.

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