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Sports Injuries by Emery G.

Injuries happen constantly in sports; no one can control or stop them, but measures can be taken to help prevent them.

Different Injuries:

Injuries can occur in any part of your body. When playing sports with running and jumping, there are higher chances of damage/harm to the legs, knees, feet, hips, and ankles. Injury could occur anywhere in/on the body when playing sports with physical contact. Next, when playing a sport with excessive arm movement, there is a high chance of injuring the arms, wrists, or shoulders.

Protection Against Injuries:

Although injuries happen against the players’ will, there are certain precautions available in order to hopefully protect against injury. These precautions include wearing braces on certain joints or troubled areas, icing joints, muscles, etc. You can also use other equipment when playing the sport, including helmets, pads, shin guards, etc.

Injuries in Different Sports:


In basketball, you run, jump, use your arms, and participate in physical contact. Therefore, injury could occur in your feet, ankles, legs, knees, hips, shoulders, wrists, fingers, etc. The most significant number of injuries in basketball happens to the knees and ankles. However, other injuries include other parts of the legs and arms.


In soccer, you run, jump, use your arms, and participate in physical contact. Therefore, injury could occur in your feet, ankles, legs, knees, hips, shoulders, wrists, fingers, head, etc.


In volleyball, you run, jump, use your arms, and participate in physical contact. Therefore, injury could occur in your feet, ankles, legs, knees, hips, shoulders, wrists, fingers, head, etc. However, the most common injury in volleyball is to the knees because of sprawling and landing too hard on them.

Running (Cross Country & Track):

In running sports such as cross country and track, you run, jump, and use your arms. Therefore, injury could occur in your feet, ankles, legs, knees, hips, shoulders, wrists, fingers, head, etc. Because of field events in track, injury can happen to the arms, head, etc., but because of running events, legs, and those areas can become injured.

These are just a few of the more popular sports in our area, but there are many other sports that people could get injured during. Always stay safe while playing sports, and try to avoid harming anyone else.

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Uriyah Otlewski
Uriyah Otlewski
Oct 04, 2023

Amazing work keep it up!!

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