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Mammals By Daysen, Ridge, Sophia, and Mitch

You may be wondering what mammals are. Mammals are warm-blooded animals. I really like horses; they are good for many things while dogs are not. But I guess they can be the man's best friend and they are easily trained. I like mammals and I always have so I hope you do too and appreciate them. Ridge

My favorite kind of animals are mammals. They are the best animals in the world because of the dogs and all the kinds in the world. My favorite dog breed is pug or husky.  They are very cool animals. Ridge

Mammals facts, when they are young the mom feeds them with milk. The way 

that mammals learn to survive is that their mom teaches them. A way to tell if it is a mammal is if it has fur or hair.  They regulate their body temperature. Daysen

Mammals have really big brains;  not necessarily that they are all smart– it is the size. There are many different mammals, thousands of them actually. Some mammals actually don’t have teeth. Some mammals lived among the dinosaurs. Only one species of mammal can fly, and it is a bat. Daysen

Mammals are warm-blooded animals. They are humans, house pets, or wild animals. Some hibernate all winter and others don’t, like humans. Mammals aren’t snakes, lizards, or birds. All mammals have backbones. They are grouped on their reproduction. Sophie

They all have the same bones in their ears. Their jaw is one bone. Only replace their teeth once. They adapt more easily to different climates. They also have four-chambered hearts. Sophie

Mammals are my second favorite animal in the world. Fish are my favorite. I like mammals because they are warm-blooded animals. Dogs are mammals and I really like dogs, especially mine named Jack.  Mitch

They are one of the best animals in the world and they are one of the best animals to be your pet. They will be playful and are one of the most caring and loving if you will take care of them. Mitch

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